Fog Machine – GForce3

The GForce3 is the most powerful of the GForce range. The large heater block, twin output pipes and double pumps make this machine the chosen machine for fire services or anywhere that immense amounts of smoke required. The GForce3 has fully compatible DMX on board with the option of a handheld remote control. Thanks to the new pulse/phase pump control, the unit is not too noisy and yet still has the ultimate flow control. This is your go to machine for large outdoor areas. This fogger is compatible with our Tube of Death fog dispersment machine.

Rental Pricing:

Daily: $175
Weekly: $525
Contact us for longer term pricing


To Place an Order:
-Email or Call us with the name of the product you would like to rent
-Desired rental start & end date
-If emailing, provide a phone number to contact you at

**Pricing subject to change based on current market price & availability.
Pricing does not include fluids to operate equipment if applicable to rental machine.**